Thursday, 11 June 2020

Electric Flux (φ)

The electric flux is defined as the total number of electric lines of force, crossing through the given area.

Consider a closed surface S in a non−uniform electric field (Fig.).

Fig. Electric Flux

Consider a very small area ds on this surface. The direction of ds is drawn normal to the surface outward. The electric field over ds is supposed to be a constant E. E and ds make an angle θ with each other.

The electric flux dφ through the area ds is, dφ = E*ds (read as E dot ds) = E ds cosθ

The total flux through the closed surface S is obtained by integrating the above equation over the surface.

φ =  dφ = E * ds

The circle on the integral indicates that, the integration is to be taken over the closed surface. The electric flux is a scalar quantity.

It's unit is N m^2 C^−1

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