Showing posts with label area vector. Show all posts
Showing posts with label area vector. Show all posts

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Charge Distribution

There are two types of charge distribution :

1. Discontinuous Charge Distribution,

2. Continuous Charge Distribution  

1. Discontinuous Charge Distribution : 

In this distribution the  charge is distributed randomly (non uniformaly) in a body at different places.

 2. Continuous Charge Distribution : 

In this distribution the  charge is equally distributed in a body at different places.

There are three  types of continuous charge distribution, which are as:

a) Linear Charge Distribution (λ) :

It is also known as linear charge density (λ), and it is defined as charge per unit length. 

λ=charge/length= ΔQ /Δl

It's unit is C/m.

Examples: charged straight wire, charged circular ring etc.

b) Surface  Charge Distribution (σ) :

It is also known as surface charge density (σ), and it is defined as charge per unit area. 

σ=charge/area= ΔQ /ΔS

It's unit is C/m^2.

Examples : charged plane sheet, charge conducting sphere etc.

c) Volume Charge Distribution (𝛿) :

It is also known as volume charge density (ρ), and it is defined as charge per unit volume. 

ρ=charge/volume= ΔQ/ΔV

It's unit is C/m^3
Examples : charged insulating sphere etc.

Area Vector :  By convection the area element vector ΔS at a point on a closed surface equals ΔS ˆn (n-cap) where ΔS is the magnitude of the area element and ˆn (n-cap) is a unit vector in the direction of outward normal at that point.
Fig. Convention for defining normal ˆn and ΔS.

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